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Norman. Norman.
What are they doing with Norman?
Mitchy! Mitchy, come on out and play.
- Don't go out there. - What do you think, I'm nuts?
Mitch, do you like calf brains?
This is over a cow.
Here's your last chance.
They're not gonna hurt me. There's too many witnesses.
Please be careful.
Just gonna embarrass me, so I'll let them.
Norman, have you been bothering the cowboys again?
You know, you raise them, you try to teach them right from wrong,
but they learn these things from their friends
I mean, it's the school systems.
You're grounded, mister.
These cows today, huh?
You pansy-assed bastard.
- Are you talking to me or Norman? - You shit-nosed little faggot.
Oh, me?
Listen, guys, we have a group of people here who came out for a good time,
and to say the least, it's been a little bit strange.
But we're counting on you to get us through this.
So I'm asking you, please,
why don't you just go and sleep it off, huh?
Sleep this off.
Put the gun down! Put down the goddamn gun!
- Phil. - I'm not gonna let him bully us anymore.
- My father-in-law's a bully. - Phil.
I hate bullies!
'Cause a bully doesn't just beat you up.
- He takes away your dignity. - Phil!
I hate that.
I really hate that.
All right, you two assholes, go sleep it off.
And let's have some peace and quiet around here for Christ's sakes!
I'm tired! I've been under a lot of stress.
I lost my wife. I lost my job.
And I've got some sort of rash from making in the bushes.
witnesses - testimoni
under - sotto
these - queste
their - loro
teach - insegnare
talking - parlando
takes - prende
tired - stanco
systems - sistemi
stress - stress
strange - strano
least - meno
wrong - sbagliato
friends - amici
learn - imparare
father - padre
chance - opportunità
think - pensare
careful - attento
bushes - cespugli
there - là
school - scuola
asking - chiede
bastard - bastardo
assholes - stronzi
goddamn - dannazione
faggot - fascina
around - in giro
pansy - viola del pensiero
counting - conteggio
bullies - bulli
assed - assed
right - destra
sorry - scusa
embarrass - imbarazzare
anymore - più
again - ancora
dignity - dignità
brains - mente
sleep - dormire
gonna - andando
doing - fare
cowboys - cowboys
listen - ascolta
through - attraverso
little - piccolo
things - cose
people - persone
today - oggi
making - fabbricazione
mitch - mitch
grounded - terra
mitchy - Mitchy
norman - normanno
bothering - fastidioso
nosed - naso
quiet - silenzioso
bully - prepotente
peace - pace
please - per favore
group - gruppo
mister - signore
raise - aumentare
really - veramente
sakes - amor
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