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You each have a lethal weapon.
If you denounce me to the police,
you will also be exposed and humiliated.
I'll see to that in court.
But if one of you kills Wadsworth now,
no one but the seven of us will ever know.
He has the key to the front door,
which he said would only be opened over his dead body.
I suggest we take him up on that offer.
The only way to avoid finding yourselves on the front pages,
for one of you to kill Wadsworth now.
- It's not Wadsworth! - Is he alive?
Mr. Boddy.
Stand back! Give him air! Let me see.
He's dead!
- Who had the gun? - I did.
- Then you shot him! - I didn't!
Well, you had the gun. If you didn't shoot him, who did?
Nobody! Look. There's no gunshot wound.
Somebody tried to grab the gun from me in the dark and the gun went off.
Look! The bullet broke that vase on the mantle.
Sorry. Excuse me.
He's absolutely right. Look, There's a bullet hole here in the wall
See that?
- How did he die? - I don't know!
I'm not a forensic expert!
One of us must have killed him.
I didn't do it.
I need a drink.
Maybe he was poisoned.
Mrs. Peacock, it's all right.
Sit down. Sit down.
I had to stop her from screaming.
yourselves - voi stessi
wound - ferita
would - voluto
which - quale
tried - provato
shoot - sparare
police - polizia
pages - pagine
opened - ha aperto
expert - [object Object]
nobody - nessuno
seven - sette
excuse - scusa
alive - vivo
drink - bere
denounce - denunciare
somebody - qualcuno
avoid - evitare
mantle - mantello
court - tribunale
sorry - scusa
maybe - può essere
weapon - arma
screaming - urlando
bullet - proiettile
absolutely - assolutamente
stand - stare in piedi
right - destra
broke - rotto
exposed - esposto
wadsworth - wadsworth
gunshot - sparo
finding - scoperta
forensic - legale
peacock - pavone
front - davanti
offer - offrire
humiliated - umiliato
suggest - suggerire
killed - ucciso
poisoned - avvelenata
kills - uccide
lethal - letale
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