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You want to fold up the National Football League?
I want to solve the problem.
Who are you?
You're a pathologist.
You perform autopsies.
Yes, I am a mere pathologist.
That's it. That's all I am.
Do you have any idea of the impact of what you're doing?
- Yes, I do. - Do you understand the impact
of what you are doing?
If just 10% of the mothers in America
decide that football is too dangerous for their sons to play,
that is it. It is the end of football.
Kids, colleges, and eventually, it's just a matter of time,
the professional game.
Joe, he does autopsies. He's not in the outcome business.
He has no business.
Do you know what history does to people,
trained physicians,
- who ignore science? - Wow.
Sir, I am not done!
History laughs.
If you continue to deny my work, the world will deny my work.
But men, your men,
continue to die, their families left in ruins.
Tell the truth.
Tell the truth.
You sure... You sure... sure you want to do this?
I would ask you that same question, Dr. Maroon.
would - voluto
understand - capire
truth - verità
trained - allenato
solve - risolvere
question - domanda
problem - problema
physicians - medici
perform - eseguire
people - persone
science - scienza
continue - continua
their - loro
eventually - infine
history - storia
ruins - rovine
impact - urto
world - mondo
laughs - ride
league - lega
doing - fare
decide - decidere
football - calcio
dangerous - pericoloso
america - America
autopsies - autopsie
families - famiglie
business - attività commerciale
colleges - collegi
ignore - ignorare
maroon - marrone
matter - importa
professional - professionale
national - nazionale
mothers - madri
outcome - risultato
pathologist - patologo
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