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A little voice
told me it's all wrong
Another voice
told me it's all right
I used to think that I was strong
But lately I just lost the fight
It's funny how fallin' feels like flyin'
For a little while
It's funny how fallin'
feels like flyin'
For a little while
I got tired of bein' good
I started missin'
that old feeling free
I stopped actin'
like I thought I should
And went on back to bein' me
I never meant
to hurt no one
I just had
to have my way
If there's such a thing
as too much fun
This must be
the price you pay
It's funny how fallin'
feels like flyin'
For a little while
It's funny how fallin'
feels like flyin'
For a little while
Never see it comin'
till it's gone
It all happens for a reason
Even when it's wrong
when it's wrong
It's funny how fallin'
feels like flyin'
For a little while
It's funny how fallin'
feels like flyin'
For a little while
I was goin'
where I shouldn't go
Seein' who I shouldn't see
Doin' what I shouldn't do
And bein'
who I shouldn't be
while - mentre
voice - voce
lately - ultimamente
little - piccolo
feeling - sensazione
wrong - sbagliato
reason - ragionare
another - un altro
meant - significava
feels - si sente
funny - divertente
right - destra
especially - particolarmente
price - prezzo
stopped - fermato
never - mai
should - dovrebbero
think - pensare
fight - combattimento
strong - forte
happens - accade
thing - cosa
started - iniziato
tired - stanco
where - dove
thought - pensato
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