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There's no place like home.
Oh, these shoes are all wrong.
Much too frivolous for the occasion.
I apologize, Mr. Hayward.
Oh, god. I drank far too much claret last night.
Gives me headaches.
Burgundy suits me so much better.
- Perhaps you should take an aspirin. - Aspirin?
Hair of the dog, darling.
Cure evil with evil.
And what about you?
It's a little early for me, I think.
You're cute.
Wait till you have three children.
So... You're an actress?
Clearly, you've never set foot in a theater,
otherwise you'd know my work.
I must admit I'm more of a cinema enthusiast.
I see.
Never cared much for the movies myself.
Although, I do have a superb script.
My husband wrote it for me.
Exposure. His first work of fiction.
Full of passion.
The lead character
is a wonderfully dark part.
I know they say I should always play comedy because of my nose.
I suppose this murder would give us a lot of advance publicity and...
Do go on.
Is any of this really of any importance?
I mean, after all, we have our very own Ruth Ellis
right under this roof.
Ruth Ellis shot her lover, not her husband.
Well, either way, she was hanged for it.
And rightly so.
Are you saying you'd like to see Brenda Leonides hanged?
You are twisting my words.
words - parole
under - sotto
three - tre
think - pensare
theater - teatro
suppose - supporre
superb - superbo
suits - tute
should - dovrebbero
shoes - scarpe
saying - detto
right - destra
really - veramente
script - copione
publicity - pubblicità
place - posto
wonderfully - meravigliosamente
perhaps - forse
darling - tesoro
would - voluto
cinema - cinema
cared - curato
aspirin - aspirina
burgundy - Borgogna
claret - chiaretto
better - meglio
husband - marito
advance - avanzare
character - carattere
brenda - brenda
although - sebbene
passion - passione
rightly - giustamente
always - sempre
night - notte
ellis - ellis
about - di
after - dopo
admit - ammettere
otherwise - altrimenti
apologize - scusarsi
exposure - esposizione
these - queste
drank - bevuto
never - mai
clearly - chiaramente
frivolous - frivolo
wrote - ha scritto
wrong - sbagliato
leonides - leonides
children - bambini
actress - attrice
myself - me stessa
comedy - commedia
because - perché
early - presto
occasion - occasione
either - o
enthusiast - appassionato
movies - film
first - primo
twisting - torsione
gives - dà
murder - omicidio
hanged - impiccato
headaches - mal di testa
importance - importanza
fiction - finzione
little - piccolo
lover - amante
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