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My father was an exceptional man.
He was born in 19...
- What the hell is going on now? - There's someone in there.
I knew it! I knew it!
He was born in 1930...
What the fuck!
What the fuck you doing in my father's coffin?
Edward, I miss you!
Leave me with my Edward!
My picture. My beautiful memories!
No, Mama, don't. Give me...
You bastard!
My father!
My father was an exceptional man.
Did he have his faults?
But he worked hard for his family.
All I wanted to do today
was tell him how much we all loved, cherished and respected him.
Is that really too much to ask for?
So, maybe he loved Dreamgirls more than most men.
But, hey, life is complicated.
We do our best.
And Dad, he did his best.
One thing he did was teach us to chase after our dreams.
So, when you leave here today,
I want you to remember my father for who he truly was,
a loving, kind, gentle man, that never judged anyone,
who never cast disparaging remarks
or held prejudice against any race, creed, gender,
or height.
And if I turn out to be just half the man that my father was,
then the child I'm planning on having with my beautiful wife
will be truly blessed.
Thank you.
truly - veramente
edward - edward
maybe - può essere
family - famiglia
dreams - sogni
loved - amato
doing - fare
today - oggi
leave - partire
picture - immagine
bastard - bastardo
disparaging - dispregiativo
against - contro
creed - credo
exceptional - eccezionale
coffin - bara
there - là
father - padre
loving - amorevole
beautiful - bellissimo
blessed - benedetto
respected - rispettata
worked - lavorato
complicated - complicato
after - dopo
cherished - caro
chase - inseguire
thank - ringraziare
gentle - gentile
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
child - bambino
never - mai
gender - genere
having - avendo
really - veramente
remember - ricorda
height - altezza
thing - cosa
anyone - chiunque
dreamgirls - ragazze da sogno
judged - giudicato
faults - difetti
memories - ricordi
planning - pianificazione
prejudice - pregiudizio
remarks - osservazioni
someone - qualcuno
teach - insegnare
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