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Doubt - Crisis of Faith (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    - God bless you, Sister.
    - Thank you.

    I wanna tell you a story.

    A cargo ship sank one night.
    It caught fire and went down,

    and only this one
    sailor survived.

    He found a lifeboat,
    rigged a sail,

    and being of a
    nautical discipline

    turned his eyes to the
    heavens and read the stars.

    He set a course for his home,
    and, exhausted, fell asleep.

    Clouds rolled in,

    for the next 20 nights, he
    could no longer see the stars.

    He thought he was on course, but
    there was no way to be certain.

    And as the days rolled on,
    and the sailor wasted away,

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