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- God bless you, Sister.
- Thank you.
I wanna tell you a story.
A cargo ship sank one night.
It caught fire and went down,
and only this one
sailor survived.
He found a lifeboat,
rigged a sail,
and being of a
nautical discipline
turned his eyes to the
heavens and read the stars.
He set a course for his home,
and, exhausted, fell asleep.
Clouds rolled in,
for the next 20 nights, he
could no longer see the stars.
He thought he was on course, but
there was no way to be certain.
And as the days rolled on,
and the sailor wasted away,
he began to have doubts.
Had he set his course right?
Was he still going
on towards his home?
Or was he horribly lost and
doomed to a terrible death?
No way to know.
The message of the
had he imagined it because of
his desperate circumstance?
Or had he seen truth once...
Straighten up!
and now had to hold on to it
without further reassurance?
There are those of
you in church today
who know exactly the crisis
of faith I describe,
and I wanna say to you,
doubt can be a bond as powerful
and sustaining as certainty.
When you are lost,
you are not alone.
In the name of the Father, the
Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen.
wanna - voglio
truth - verità
towards - in direzione
today - oggi
thought - pensato
those - quelli
there - là
thank - ringraziare
turned - trasformato
terrible - terribile
sustaining - sustaining
survived - sopravvissuto
straighten - raddrizzare
story - storia
sister - sorella
discipline - disciplina
course - corso
death - morte
cargo - carico
found - trovato
circumstance - circostanza
message - messaggio
because - perché
began - iniziato
doubt - dubbio
further - ulteriore
constellations - costellazioni
rolled - laminato
sailor - marinaio
could - poteva
asleep - addormentato
church - chiesa
exhausted - esausto
ghost - fantasma
alone - da solo
desperate - disperato
without - senza
heavens - cieli
lifeboat - scialuppa di salvataggio
wasted - sprecato
being - essere
bless - benedire
caught - catturato
crisis - crisi
exactly - di preciso
doomed - condannato
certainty - certezza
nights - notti
doubts - dubbi
right - destra
faith - fede
father - padre
going - andando
still - ancora
horribly - orribilmente
imagined - immaginato
certain - certo
longer - più a lungo
night - notte
clouds - nuvole
nautical - nautico
describe - descrivere
powerful - potente
reassurance - rassicurazione
stars - stelle
rigged - truccato
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