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I'm in love. I'm having
a relationship with my pizza.
You look like you're breaking up
with the pizza. What's the matter?
I can't.
What do you mean, you can't?
This is pizza Margherita in Napoli.
It is your moral imperative
to eat and enjoy that pizza.
I want to, but I've... I've
gained, like, 10 pounds.
I mean, I've got this....
A muffin top.
I have one too.
I unbuttoned my jeans like
five minutes ago just looking at this.
Let me ask you a question.
In all the years you've ever
undressed in front of a gentleman....
- Hasn't been that many.
- All right, well...
...has he ever asked you to leave?
- Has he ever walked out? Left?
- No.
Because he doesn't care.
He's in a room with a naked girl.
He's won the lottery.
I'm so tired of saying no
and then waking up in the morning...
...and recalling every single thing
I ate the day before.
Counting every calorie I consume and
so I know exactly... much self-loathing
to take into the shower.
I'm going for it.
I have no interest in being obese.
I'm just through with the guilt.
So this is what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna finish this pizza...
...and then we're gonna go
watch the soccer game.
And tomorrow we're gonna go
on a little date...
...and buy ourselves
some bigger jeans.
Giovanni likes a muffin.
years - anni
watch - orologio
walked - camminava
waking - risveglio
undressed - svestito
unbuttoned - sbottonato
tomorrow - domani
tired - stanco
soccer - calcio
shower - doccia
imperative - imperativo
gained - guadagnato
having - avendo
guilt - colpa
going - andando
gonna - andando
gentleman - signore
front - davanti
finish - finire
giovanni - giovanni
exactly - di preciso
before - prima
asked - chiesto
calorie - caloria
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
leave - partire
interest - interesse
bigger - più grande
loathing - ripugnanza
matter - importa
morning - mattina
thing - cosa
being - essere
consume - consumare
counting - conteggio
relationship - relazione
jeans - jeans
through - attraverso
little - piccolo
likes - piace
saying - detto
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
breaking - rottura
lottery - lotteria
margherita - margherita
obese - obeso
naked - nudo
muffin - focaccina
moral - morale
napoli - napoli
ourselves - noi stessi
pizza - pizza
pounds - sterline
question - domanda
single - singolo
enjoy - godere
recalling - rievocazione
minutes - minuti
right - destra
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