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I had a source says Nightflower people...
were intentionally exposed to radiation while in the tunnels.
But that source is dead now.
He wasn't a bad guy.
Now, you know better than anyone, cases like these are never solved.
They're simply too complicated, too much hard work.
There's a lot going on out there in this world.
And you just never can connect A to B.
How do you know that?
Because I'm usually the guy that stops you connecting A to B.
It's part of what I do.
If I was an employee at Northmoor...
and I wanted to blow the whistle on something...
what would I be blowing the whistle on?
Well, let's take a walk and we can talk about it.
I'm not walking into the dark with you.
You're a wise man.
Are you on my side?
Well, that's hard to tell.
What's that like,
not being anyone in particular?
I don't know what it means to have lost a child...
but I know what it means never to have had one.
Yeah. You got nobody left to bury you.
world - mondo
while - mentre
wanted - ricercato
tunnels - tunnel
stops - fermate
usually - generalmente
something - qualcosa
solved - risolto
walking - a passeggio
radiation - radiazione
would - voluto
better - meglio
cases - casi
there - là
source - fonte
connect - collegare
connecting - collegamento
going - andando
blowing - soffiando
simply - semplicemente
nobody - nessuno
northmoor - Northmoor
about - di
intentionally - apposta
exposed - esposto
being - essere
because - perché
employee - dipendente
whistle - fischio
anyone - chiunque
means - si intende
nightflower - nightflower
these - queste
child - bambino
never - mai
complicated - complicato
particular - particolare
people - persone
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