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Ella Enchanted - Gift of Obedience (It)

Scena tratta dal film Il magico mondo di Ella
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Lucinda here. Fairy par excellence.

    Now, where's the baby?

    She's walking, at her grandmother's.

    Either way, as you can see, she's not here.

    Oh, look. She's back.

    What shall we give this beautiful little child today?

    - What's her name again? - Ella.

    Ah. Ella of Frell.

    Not a very well-behaved little stinker, is she?

    Quiet, please. I can't concentrate here.

    Ella of Frell, I give you the gift of obedience.

    Now, go to sleep.

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