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Don't buy this tree, Foxy.
You're borrowing at 9.5% with no fixed rate,
plus moving into the most dangerous neighborhood in the country for some of your type of species.
You're exaggerating.
I'm sugar-coating it, Man. This is Boggis, Bunce and Bean,
three of the meanest, nastiest, ugliest farmers in the history of this valley.
Really? Tell me about them.
All right.
Walt Barger is a chicken farmer. Probably the most successful in the world.
He weighs the same as a young rhinoceros.
He eats three chickens every day for breakfast, lunch, supper and dessert.
That's twelve in total per diem.
Nate Bunce is a duck and goose farmer.
He's approximately the size of a pot-bellied dwarf,
and his chin would be underwater in the shallow end of any swimming pool on the planet.
His food is homemade donuts with smashed-up goose livers injected into them.
Frank Bean is a turkey and apple farmer.
He invented his own species of each.
He lives on a liquid diet of strong alcoholic cider, which he makes from his apples.
He's skinny as a pencil, as smart as a whip,
and possibly the scariest man currently living.
The local human children sing a kind of eerie little rhyme about him.
Here, listen to this.
Boggis, Bunce and Bean One fat, one short, one lean
These horrible crooks So different in looks Were nonetheless equally mean
In summation, I think you just got to not do it, man. That's all.
I understand what you're saying, and your comments are valuable,
but I'm gonna ignore your advice.
The cuss you are.
The cuss am I? Are you cussing with me?
- No, you are cussing with me.
Don't cuss with someone you're not going to cuss with.
- Just buy the tree. - Okay.
would - voluto
world - mondo
horrible - orribile
every - dejte pozor
shallow - superficiale
valuable - prezioso
frank - franco
right - destra
exaggerating - esagerando
little - piccolo
invented - inventato
different - diverso
going - andando
cider - cedro
local - locale
dangerous - pericoloso
understand - capire
bellied - dalla pancia
crooks - truffatori
approximately - circa
boggis - boggis
comments - commenti
human - umano
apples - mele
nonetheless - ciò nonostante
donuts - ciambelle
underwater - subacqueo
young - giovane
chicken - pollo
ignore - ignorare
cussing - imprecazioni
farmer - contadino
apple - mela
homemade - fatti in casa
eerie - misterioso
fixed - fisso
equally - ugualmente
pencil - matita
about - di
breakfast - colazione
advice - consigli
coating - rivestimento
successful - riuscito
dwarf - nano
alcoholic - alcolizzato
chickens - polli
livers - fegati
goose - oca
bunce - bunce
country - nazione
currently - attualmente
meanest - meanest
listen - ascolta
living - vita
barger - Barger
planet - pianeta
looks - sembra
lunch - pranzo
injected - iniettato
makes - fa
moving - in movimento
nastiest - più brutte
species - specie
neighborhood - quartiere
possibly - possibilmente
these - queste
probably - probabilmente
really - veramente
rhinoceros - rinoceronte
rhyme - rima
saying - detto
dessert - dolce
history - storia
scariest - più spaventosa
farmers - agricoltori
skinny - magro
smart - inteligente
gonna - andando
children - bambini
smashed - fracassato
someone - qualcuno
valley - valle
strong - forte
sugar - zucchero
total - totale
summation - somma
supper - cena
lives - vite
short - corto
swimming - nuoto
think - pensare
liquid - liquido
which - quale
borrowing - prestiti
three - tre
turkey - tacchino
twelve - dodici
ugliest - più brutto
weighs - pesa
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