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This is Paleolithic.
And... this is Paleolithic.
I have an extensive collection
which the Council is very welcome to see,
having made Prehistory my study for several years.
I realise that this is a... a profoundly shocking discovery.
Or an absurd mistake which will make us Cantabrians
the laughing stock throughout the world.
May I ask, sir, how you would account for the paintings?
They are the work of runaway slaves
when this was a Roman province
two thousand years ago.
No doubt these beasts
were still prevalent in their barbarian homeland.
Not one shred of evidence to support that.
There's nothing in the cave less than ten thousand years old.
Nothing that you have presented,
but how can we be sure?
Do you think I would distort the evidence?
I know what we are suggesting appears extraordinary
but these are the facts.
That's monkeys with paintbrushes!
We believe that if the cave is properly cared for,
the international experts we have invited to see the paintings
will share our view
that this discovery, in our province,
is of enormous significance in the History of Mankind.
world - mondo
welcome - benvenuto
throughout - per tutto
which - quale
think - pensare
their - loro
would - voluto
suggesting - suggerendo
study - studia
stock - azione
still - ancora
history - storia
slaves - schiavi
enormous - enorme
extensive - esteso
doubt - dubbio
barbarian - barbaro
roman - romano
distort - falsare
properly - propriamente
discovery - scoperta
invited - invitato
shred - brandello
collection - collezione
certainly - certamente
these - queste
significance - significato
realise - rendersi conto
council - consiglio
having - avendo
cared - curato
cantabrians - Cantabrians
thousand - mille
absurd - assurdo
beasts - bestie
believe - credere
runaway - scappa
experts - esperti
homeland - patria
years - anni
account - account
international - internazionale
province - provincia
laughing - che ride
appears - appare
extraordinary - straordinario
prehistory - preistoria
facts - fatti
mankind - umanità
mistake - sbaglio
monkeys - scimmie
nothing - niente
evidence - prova
paintbrushes - pennelli
profoundly - profondamente
paintings - dipinti
support - supporto
paleolithic - paleolitico
presented - presentata
several - parecchi
prevalent - prevalente
share - condividere
shocking - scioccante
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