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Return the boy to us, you nasty Injun.
Our people teach boy Indian ways, make him great warrior.
Our chief, Running Nose, never let him go.
Me wounded, Peter. Time's short.
You go. Spread wings and soar like eagle above enemy.
Fly back to our chief. Tell her of my brave defeat.
That's crazy. Indians can't fly.
Of course they can. Go on, go on, go on.
Listen to us, boy. This Injun kidnapped you.
Not true. We kidnap no one. You lost boy.
I teach you ways of the brave. I take you as my own son.
You are not my father.
Bang, bang, bang, bang!
- I've got him! - Let me go!
- Stop it, you two. - Ooh, we are awful, aren't we?
- I'm warning you. - Oh, I'm scared.
Of course, you had a bit of fun for a change.
- Get off, George! - Peter.
- I'm terribly sorry. - No, it wasn't your fault.
I'm afraid it might have been.
To be honest, I'm just happy you got him to join in the game.
Oh, yes, I was a tremendous success.
Mr Barrie, it's more than I've been able to achieve.
Peter's a different boy since his father died.
You know, I don't think he's even had a good cry about it.
Well, grief affects us all in different ways, doesn't it?
Yes, it does.
Oh, by the way, my wife would like to invite you and the boys over to dinner.
Your mother as well.
How kind. That would be lovely.
wounded - ferito
would - voluto
wings - ali
warrior - guerriero
think - pensare
terribly - terribilmente
teach - insegnare
father - padre
mother - madre
enemy - nemico
crazy - pazzo
achieve - raggiungere
defeat - la sconfitta
change - modificare
dinner - cena
brave - coraggioso
grief - dolore
above - sopra
listen - ascolta
indian - indiano
about - di
since - da
invite - invitare
awful - terribile
fault - colpa
indians - indiani
barrie - barrie
might - potrebbe
different - diverso
peter - Pietro
short - corto
chief - capo
nasty - cattiva
happy - contento
george - giorgio
scared - impaurito
honest - onesto
course - corso
people - persone
spread - diffusione
injun - Injun
affects - colpisce
kidnap - rapire
great - grande
lovely - bello
eagle - aquila
kidnapped - rapito
afraid - impaurito
never - mai
return - ritorno
tremendous - enorme
success - successo
running - in esecuzione
warning - avvertimento
sorry - scusa
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