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And I wanna be there.
You will be, I guarantee.
I wanna be there now.
You want to be at your
funeral party alive?
Yes, sir.
But you can't have a funeral if you're not,
you know, deceased.
Hold on, now. It's a detail.
We can look at it.
Pretty big detail.
You want to have a funeral party
while you're alive, so you can go.
- Yes or no?
- Yes!
Buddy, get some paper.
We need to make a list of
who Mr. Bush wants to invite.
Well, sit down there.
I want everybody to come
who's got a story to tell about me.
All right, say again?
Probably covers about four counties.
Then I want four counties
worth of people at the party.
Well, sir, the thing is,
how do you invite people...
How do you get people to come
tell stories about you,
that I'm guessing might
get them, you know, shot?
- Now, sir.
- You know what? Don't worry about it.
You go on ahead. Don't worry about it.
We'll come up with something.
Couple of ideas just came to me.
worry - preoccupazione
wanna - voglio
thing - cosa
there - là
story - storia
stories - storie
something - qualcosa
right - destra
wants - vuole
detail - dettaglio
guessing - indovinando
while - mentre
deceased - deceduto
buddy - compagno
party - partito
covers - coperture
ahead - avanti
worth - di valore
ideas - idee
about - di
everybody - tutti
alive - vivo
probably - probabilmente
again - ancora
funeral - funerale
might - potrebbe
counties - contee
guarantee - garanzia
couple - coppia
invite - invitare
paper - carta
people - persone
pretty - bella
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