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John, your mother's dyin'.
But I know you know that.
She's got a disease that's killin' her...
and wants her on her own, drinkin'...
drinkin' herself to death.
This is a terrible disease that she's got.
And the irony of this disease is
it tells her she doesn't have a disease.
Her body's telling
her she's dyin'.
It's telling the world
that she's dying.
And her brain is tellin' her
to keep on drinkin',
that they don't understand.
Sure, what do they know?
It's mad. It's baffling and cunning.
But there's hope.
There's hope, man.
Especially in your mother.
Do you know how I know?
'Cause she walked in through that door.
Now, I know you probably
cajoled her and threatened her...
and blackmailed her to get her here.
But if she didn't want to walk
through that door, she wouldn't have.
You couldn't have made her,
so there has to be some willin'.
And that's the cornerstone
of her recovery... her willingness.
We've got hope, man.
So we've got a chance.
But here's the borin' bit.
This place is government-run.
We're on a bread-and-water diet.
They got us on a drip feed.
I can only keep her here for, like,
seven to eight days at the very most.
And I promise you I will do that.
And I'll give her all the facilities
that we have got.
But she's got to find
somewhere else after those seven days.
I cannot afford it.
I'm trying really hard. I'm trying
to get the hours at work, but I can't.
They're just not there.
I'm just spinnin' my wheels. That's it.
It's like every day is the same day.
I know, man.
I'm gonna make phone calls for you.
I'll rattle cages. I'll see what it'll do.
But most of the work has to come
from you, brother. I'm sorry.
You've gotta find it from somewhere.
- What about any health insurance?
- No.
Nobody you can ask a favor of?
Not anymore.
world - mondo
water - acqua
wants - vuole
understand - capire
through - attraverso
those - quelli
there - là
trying - provare
terrible - terribile
really - veramente
cunning - abile
especially - particolarmente
cajoled - cajoled
somewhere - da qualche parte
anymore - più
every - dejte pozor
hours - ore
health - salute
cannot - non può
death - morte
gotta - devo
after - dopo
eight - otto
willingness - buona volontà
telling - raccontare
calls - chiamate
about - di
afford - permettersi
baffling - sconcertante
sorry - scusa
dying - sta morendo
wheels - ruote
brother - fratello
gonna - andando
chance - opportunità
blackmailed - ricattato
insurance - assicurazione
cornerstone - pietra angolare
rattle - sonaglio
walked - camminava
brain - cervello
nobody - nessuno
recovery - recupero
bread - pane
phone - telefono
cages - gabbie
probably - probabilmente
facilities - strutture
favor - favore
place - posto
government - governo
herself - se stessa
promise - promettere
irony - ironia
threatened - minacciata
mother - madre
seven - sette
disease - malattia
tells - dice
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