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Oh, no. Not him.
Hello, papa.
How long's it been?
Feels like forever.
Who are your new friends?
Slappy, it's so nice to see you again.
Did you miss me?
Of course I missed you.
So, what's the plan, friend?
You must've brought me out for something fun.
Terrorize the locals? Destroy the town?
Let's get silly.
You guessed it, slappy.
I'm going to destroy Madison, and I...
and I couldn't do it without you.
Shucks. You're giving me--
oh, what's the word? Goosebumps.
Oh, my god. He's so creepy.
Oh, he is such a crack-up.
Such a clever dummy.
Who are you calling "dummy," dummy?
You're trying to put me back in?
No, no, no, Don't be silly.
I know when you're lying to me, papa.
You've made slappy very unhappy.
He's not going back on the shelf ever again.
Slappy, no, wait!
I think it's time I started pulling the strings in this relationship.
Tonight is gonna be the best story you've ever written.
All of your children are coming out to play.
Oh, thank god he's gone.
Oh, god. He's gone.
And he's taken all the books.
unhappy - infelice
taken - prese
strings - stringhe
story - storia
started - iniziato
think - pensare
something - qualcosa
slappy - Slappy
silly - sciocco
shelf - mensola
missed - perse
madison - madison
shucks - sciocchezze
lying - dire bugie
trying - provare
crack - crepa
clever - intelligente
creepy - raccapricciante
calling - chiamata
thank - ringraziare
coming - venuta
pulling - traino
course - corso
children - bambini
brought - portato
without - senza
destroy - distruggere
again - ancora
guessed - indovinato
relationship - relazione
books - libri
goosebumps - pelle d'oca
tonight - stasera
forever - per sempre
going - andando
gonna - andando
locals - gente del posto
friend - amico
terrorize - terrorizzare
dummy - manichino
friends - amici
written - scritto
giving - dando
feels - si sente
hello - ciao
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