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Are you now a member
of the Communist Party?
Were you ever a member
of the Communist Party? - No.
Did you attend Communist Party
meetings in the fall of 1939?
Twelve years ago in an organization... perfectly legal as the Republican
or Democratic Party...
...where I heard that we're getting
together to talk about new ideas...
...yes, I attended a few
Communist Party meetings.
Right. Now, would you tell the
committee the circumstances
under which you attended these meetings?
That is, when, where?
Well, I only attended two or three,
at the most, i think.
And it was over a period
of two or three weeks.
Then what were the circumstances under
which you stopped attending these meetings?
Well, they threw me out.
I think I just argued too much.
And where did these party meetings
take place?
Los Angeles.
Could you be more specific?
Were they held in someone's home?
Let me restate the question.
Were these meetings held in halls
or in your own homes?
In whose homes...
were some of these meetings held?
Mr. Merrill, in whose homes were
some of these meetings held?
Mr. Chairman, may I confer
with my client?
By all means.
They want the names, David.
That's why we're here.
Come on, you can't beat
these bastards!
You keep this up, they'll tear your goddamn head off.
They've already done that.
Fuck them.
I beg to be excused, Mr. Chairman.
My client has just dismissed me.
I ask you again, mr. Merrill.
In whose homes did those Communist
Party meetings take place?
I will be happy to answer any
questions about myself,
but I will not answer
questions about anyone else.
would - voluto
whose - di chi
where - dove
weeks - settimane
twelve - dodici
which - quale
think - pensare
these - queste
together - insieme
specific - specifica
again - ancora
david - david
meetings - incontri
question - domanda
threw - gettò
could - poteva
member - membro
committee - comitato
bastards - bastardi
chairman - presidente
dismissed - destituito
angeles - angeles
excused - scusati
already - già
three - tre
those - quelli
merrill - Merrill
anyone - chiunque
means - si intende
attending - frequentando
years - anni
circumstances - condizioni
goddamn - dannazione
answer - risposta
happy - contento
argued - sostenuto
place - posto
confer - conferire
about - di
under - sotto
ideas - idee
democratic - democratico
getting - ottenere
halls - sale
communist - comunista
restate - ribadire
attended - frequentato
heard - sentito
myself - me stessa
homes - le case
names - nomi
attend - assistere
legal - legale
perfectly - perfettamente
stopped - fermato
questions - le domande
organization - organizzazione
party - partito
period - periodo
client - cliente
republican - repubblicano
right - destra
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