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So where's your family from originally?
I'm Scotch-Irish.
They, um, emigrated to Appalachia
in the late 1700s.
Where are you from?
The Bay Area.
Are your folks there?
Uh, my mother died a long time ago,
and my father, I don't know where he is.
Got a brother somewhere.
You have a tight family. I can tell.
- Yep.
- Right?
You're right.
City of lights.
In Fiji, they have these
iridescent algae.
They come out once a
year in the water.
That's what it looks like out there.
You been there?
- No, I'm going there someday.
- Oh, yeah?
You travel a lot?
- Yeah.
- Traveling makes you lonely?
I.. I'm alone. I am not lonely.
I get lonely.
water - acqua
travel - viaggio
tight - stretto
these - queste
iridescent - iridescente
algae - alghe
where - dove
father - padre
emigrated - emigrato
going - andando
brother - fratello
traveling - viaggiante
lonely - solitario
family - famiglia
folks - gente
alone - da solo
appalachia - Appalachia
irish - irlandese
mother - madre
lights - luci
makes - fa
right - destra
originally - originariamente
someday - un giorno
scotch - scotch
looks - sembra
somewhere - da qualche parte
there - là
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