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You get in there and get the camera.
I'll keep them distracted over here.
Police from the neighborhood.
Can I help you, officer? Here for the tiny motorcycle?
He's not here for your stupid bike.
You here for the bike?
No sir, I'm not here for the vehicle.
There's a neighborhood gas leak, evacuate the premises.
Gas leak? I didn't even know we had gas.
Situation is clear, Larry.
Yes, sir, Mr. Neighborhood Police Officer.
I'm gonna fix the... I'm closing the door because the gas is...
...leaking here.
-I didn't smell any gas. -I don't smell anything.
You wouldn't. That's what makes the danger so dangerous.
Excuse me, officer?
What kind of handcuffs are those?
Police handcuffs.
Are they furry?
There had been some local perps,
who have been having an allergic reaction to the metal.
Now, we coat it in synthetic material,
health is on the uprise, crime is on the downrise.
But, I wouldn't worry your pretty head over that, ma'am.
I don't think we need it in this investigation. - Ma'am?
Is this an investigation? I thought this was a gas leak?
Investigation of a gas leak.
And shut up! I'm a police officer,
I want this crime scene secured.
It's not a crime scene... - Shut up!
Got you!
Take it easy, alright. You said investigation... - No!
You take it easy.
Or I'll shoot you!
You're not shooting anybody. - I'll shoot you in the Lorax!
-That's not a thing, officer. -It's a children's book.
You sussing me boy? You sussing me?
I am a police officer of the law.
I don't think you are.
Officer George Clooney from the 69th precinct.
Don't make me use this.
I won't.
Let it go.
We've been compromised!
Ride like the wind.
Hey, sloucher jerk!
I'm okay, I'm okay.
You have the right to remain silent.
Not in the face.
vehicle - veicolo
uprise - uprise
those - quelli
thing - cosa
sussing - sussurrando
stupid - stupido
smell - odore
sloucher - sloucher
worry - preoccupazione
situation - situazione
silent - silenzioso
think - pensare
handcuffs - manette
having - avendo
gonna - andando
excuse - scusa
material - materiale
george - giorgio
because - perché
dangerous - pericoloso
anything - qualsiasi cosa
clear - chiaro
alright - tutto apposto
allergic - allergico
anybody - nessuno
investigation - indagine
clooney - clooney
synthetic - sintetico
lorax - lorax
distracted - distratto
shooting - tiro
scene - scena
health - salute
local - locale
thought - pensato
larry - larry
police - polizia
danger - pericolo
leaking - che perde
makes - fa
metal - metallo
camera - macchina fotografica
compromised - compromessa
pretty - bella
motorcycle - motociclo
neighborhood - quartiere
closing - chiusura
officer - ufficiale
furry - peloso
perps - perps
reaction - reazione
precinct - recinto
premises - premesse
remain - rimanere
crime - crimine
right - destra
evacuate - evacuare
downrise - downrise
secured - assicurato
there - là
shoot - sparare
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