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Thank you, lovely. What's your name?
- Raquel.
- That was my mother's name.
So I'm thinking about asking Tevin
if he wants in on the Ferrigno house.
Dude, I pissed on that guy's face
at a Bennigan's.
You do not need to be splitting
commission with that frosty-haired chode.
I have to face facts, Syd.
I'm a flats guy, you know?
Tevin's got the flash needed
to sell the place.
You look fucking stiff.
We're shopping for tuxedos
for your wedding, man.
Let's have a good time.
Loosen it up a little bit.
I wanna take a photo.Now, give me an action pose.
Like what? What do you mean?
Well, you're wearing a tuxedo.
What do you think I mean?
When have you ever seen
anyone in a tuxedo do that move?
Besides Runaway Bride.
The ESPYs.
You're wearing a tuxedo.
Think James Bond, all right?
Can you give me some James Bond.
It just looks like you're pointing at me.
- You look ridiculous, man.
- What am I supposed... How can I... I can't...
- Think Timothy Dalton.
- Oh, T-Dalt.
Hey, that's pretty good.
Tell you what.
Give me your best Bond impression.
Why don't you get off your board and get on...
"Get out of my dreams and into my car."
Hey, hey. You looking for your pot of gold?
Why does everything I do
sound like a leprechaun?
You tell me. He speaks like a...
like the coolest man on earth.
- The name is Bond.
- There you go. Oh, yeah.
The name is James Bond.
James Bond.
I'll have a margarita.
Well, hey there, Miss Moneypussy.
Wanna jump on my jetpack?
All right, enough of that.
Let's just take the picture, all right?
Arch an eyebrow for me. Other eyebrow.
No, you just look confused.
Arch your eyebrow up.
No, not both, just one.
I don't know how...
wedding - nozze
wearing - indossare
wanna - voglio
tuxedos - smoking
thinking - pensiero
wants - vuole
think - pensare
there - là
thank - ringraziare
tevin - Tevin
speaks - parla
shopping - shopping
right - destra
frosty - gelido
ferrigno - Ferrigno
flats - appartamenti
runaway - scappa
earth - terra
timothy - Timoteo
asking - chiede
anyone - chiunque
sound - suono
other - altro
eyebrow - sopracciglio
about - di
supposed - ipotetico
jetpack - jetpack
besides - inoltre
everything - qualunque cosa
bride - sposa
place - posto
splitting - scissione
pointing - puntamento
enough - abbastanza
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
action - azione
loosen - allentare
facts - fatti
chode - chode
james - james
coolest - cool
stiff - rigido
flash - veloce
confused - confuso
fucking - cazzo
house - casa
impression - impressione
leprechaun - fata
board - tavola
raquel - raquel
dreams - sogni
little - piccolo
margarita - margherita
commission - commissione
moneypussy - moneypussy
lovely - bello
picture - immagine
dalton - dalton
needed - necessaria
haired - dai capelli
looks - sembra
pissed - sbronzo
tuxedo - smoking
photo - foto
pretty - bella
ridiculous - ridicolo
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