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How old are you? In real time?
I'm 105.
But the day comes when you've had enough.
And your mind can be spent, even if your body's not.
That's your problem? You've been alive too long?
You ever known anyone who's died?
For a few to be immortal, many must die.
What the hell is that supposed to mean?
You really don't know, do you?
Everyone can't live forever. Where would we put them?
Why do you think there are Time Zones?
Why do you think taxes and prices go up the same day in the ghetto?
The cost of living keeps rising to make sure people keep dying.
How else could there be men with a million years while most live day to day?
But the truth is there's more than enough.
No one has to die before their time.
If you had as much time as I have,
what would you do with it?
If I had all that time,
I sure as hell wouldn't waste it.
while - mentre
years - anni
where - dove
think - pensare
there - là
their - loro
supposed - ipotetico
enough - abbastanza
everyone - tutti
truth - verità
living - vita
immortal - immortale
eight - otto
dying - sta morendo
forever - per sempre
would - voluto
keeps - mantiene
zones - zone
prices - prezzi
comes - viene
alive - vivo
anyone - chiunque
waste - rifiuto
before - prima
twenty - venti
rising - crescente
ghetto - ghetto
really - veramente
known - conosciuto
million - milione
could - poteva
people - persone
problem - problema
taxes - le tasse
spent - speso
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