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They're a little young.
That they are.
They look a little nervous.
I need all flight crews to report
to their designated areas immediately.
- Major, can I borrow that?
- Sir.
Good morning.
Good morning.
In less than an hour...
aircraft from here will join
others from around the world.
And you will be launching the largest
aerial battle in the history of mankind.
Mankind, that... word should have
new meaning for all of us today.
We can't be consumed
by our petty differences any more.
We will be united in our common interest.
Perhaps it's fate that
today is the 4th of July.
And you will once again
be fighting for our freedom.
Not from tyranny, oppression
or persecution.
But from annihilation.
We're fighting for our right to live.
To exist.
And should we win the day,
the 4th of July will no longer
be known as an American holiday,
but as the day when the world
declared in one voice.
We will not go quietly into the night!
We will not vanish without a fight!
We're going to live on!
We're going to survive!
Today, we celebrate our Independence Day!
young - giovane
world - mondo
without - senza
voice - voce
united - unito
should - dovrebbero
freedom - la libertà
night - notte
designated - designato
independence - indipendenza
flight - volo
today - oggi
celebrate - celebrare
perhaps - forse
fighting - combattente
longer - più a lungo
crews - equipaggi
american - americano
meaning - senso
fight - combattimento
battle - battaglia
holiday - vacanza
consumed - consumato
tyranny - tirannia
aircraft - aereo
aerial - aereo
interest - interesse
differences - differenze
again - ancora
survive - sopravvivere
areas - le zone
annihilation - annientamento
declared - dichiarato
borrow - prendere in prestito
around - in giro
launching - lancio
common - comune
history - storia
morning - mattina
petty - meschino
vanish - svanire
immediately - subito
their - loro
exist - esistere
known - conosciuto
largest - maggiore
major - maggiore
others - altri
little - piccolo
going - andando
mankind - umanità
nervous - nervoso
persecution - persecuzione
quietly - tranquillamente
report - rapporto
oppression - oppressione
right - destra
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