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So, gentlemen...
let's discuss the prospect
of ending the war tonight.
So, the way I see it,
since Hitler's death or possible rescue
rests solely on my reaction...
if I do nothing...
it's as if I'm causing his death
even more than yourselves.
Wouldn't you agree?
I guess so.
- How about you, Utivich?
- I guess so, too.
Gentlemen, I have no intention
of killing Hitler and killing Goebbels
and killing Goring and killing Bormann,
not to mention winning the war
single-handedly for the Allies,
only later to find myself standing
before a Jewish tribunal.
If you want to win the war tonight...
we have to make a deal.
What kind of deal?
The kind you wouldn't
have the authority to make.
However, I'm sure this mission of yours
has a commanding officer.
A general.
I'm betting for...
OSS would be my guess.
That's a bingo!
Is that the way you say it?
That's a bingo.
You just say, Bingo.
Bingo! How fun.
yourselves - voi stessi
tribunal - tribunale
tonight - stasera
single - singolo
since - da
reaction - reazione
rescue - salvare
officer - ufficiale
winning - vincente
later - dopo
killing - uccisione
yours - il tuo
prospect - prospettiva
jewish - ebraico
utivich - utivich
bingo - tombola
betting - scommesse
before - prima
hitler - hitler
gentlemen - gentiluomini
standing - in piedi
rests - riposa
goring - goring
agree - essere d'accordo
about - di
allies - alleati
mission - missione
causing - causando
commanding - comandante
would - voluto
solely - unicamente
possible - possibile
authority - autorità
discuss - discutere
intention - intenzione
bormann - Bormann
general - generale
ending - fine
however - però
mention - citare
goebbels - Goebbels
nothing - niente
guess - indovina
myself - me stessa
death - morte
handedly - handedly
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