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Inglourious Basterds - That's a Bingo! (It)

Scena tratta dal film Bastardi senza gloria
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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    So, gentlemen...

    let's discuss the prospect
    of ending the war tonight.

    So, the way I see it,

    since Hitler's death or possible rescue
    rests solely on my reaction...

    if I do nothing...

    it's as if I'm causing his death
    even more than yourselves.

    Wouldn't you agree?

    I guess so.

    - How about you, Utivich?
    - I guess so, too.

    Gentlemen, I have no intention

    of killing Hitler and killing Goebbels
    and killing Goring and killing Bormann,

    not to mention winning the war
    single-handedly for the Allies,

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