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- For what? - I heard you got accepted to Penn.
Yeah. Yeah. Thanks.
How'd you swing an Ivy League school like that?
My grandfather went there, I had the grades, so...
- It really stinks in here. - Yeah. Yeah. I dropped something.
Yeah. Me.
I just thought you and Steve...
Well, that's what you thought.
I think Steve is...
I don't know. I don't know what I think about Steve.
I never think about him.
I just do things. I let other people figure them out.
That's what parents are for.
They're really good at doing all the thinking, and so...
... why should I?
I think this is called the silent treatment.
I get enough of it from my father. I don't need it from you.
So good luck at Penn.
Eleanor. Come on, Dad's waiting.
treatment - trattamento
thinking - pensiero
there - là
thanks - grazie
swing - swing
stinks - puzza
steve - steve
think - pensare
things - cose
something - qualcosa
figure - figura
thought - pensato
father - padre
silent - silenzioso
dropped - caduto
people - persone
called - chiamato
league - lega
enough - abbastanza
doing - fare
school - scuola
waiting - in attesa
accepted - accettato
congratulations - complimenti
about - di
grades - voti
eleanor - eleanor
grandfather - nonno
heard - sentito
never - mai
other - altro
should - dovrebbero
parents - genitori
really - veramente
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