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Guys, I've been trying to get across this canyon for like twenty years.
Okay? Do you realize how huge this is?
- No, no, no! Alex, no, no... - Alex! - No, no, no!
Alex, Alex, no.
- Alex, talk to me. - Alex?
Wake up. Here we go.
He's dying.
No, we can't let him die. We're too close!
Does anyone know how to do CPR?
Yes. Start with three chest compressions and mouth-to-mouth.
One, two, three.
- How do I do this? - Okay, pinch his nose...
- ... open his mouth, full lip-lock. - Okay.
One breath, two breaths, then repeat.
Come on, Alex.
Bethany, stop. Your tattoo.
It looks like you're giving him one of your lives.
I'm okay with that.
What if you need it for yourself?
I want Alex to come home too.
- What happened? - Alex.
Bethany gave you one of her lives.
- Bethany, you okay? - I think so.
Bethany, is that true?
- You gave me one of your lives? - I mean, yeah, of course.
Thank you.
- What? What are you looking at? - You got a situation.
Oh, my God, these things are crazy.
yourself - te stesso
years - anni
twenty - venti
trying - provare
three - tre
these - queste
think - pensare
things - cose
tattoo - tatuaggio
bethany - Bethany
compressions - compressioni
start - inizio
repeat - ripetere
close - vicino
chest - il petto
happened - è accaduto
thank - ringraziare
anyone - chiunque
across - attraverso
looks - sembra
situation - situazione
canyon - canyon
course - corso
breath - respiro
lives - vite
crazy - pazzo
breaths - respiri
realize - rendersi conto
dying - sta morendo
giving - dando
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
mosquito - zanzara
mouth - bocca
pinch - pizzico
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