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Where's my family?
You should have stayed dead.
I am not your mother.
No, my mother never cleaned a toilet in her life.
Maybe that was her problem.
My mother...
My mother taught me what was necessary to rule in this universe.
Like killing people?
I create life!
And I destroy it.
Life... is an act of consumption... Jupiter.
To live... is to consume.
Now the human beings on your planet are merely a resource...
waiting to be converted into capital.
And this entire enterprise is just a small part in a vast...
and beautiful machine defined by evolution,
designed to a single purpose...
to create profit.
If that's what your mother taught you, then I can see why you hated her.
I loved my mother.
And yet, you're trying to kill me.
My mother made me understand that every human society is a pyramid
and that some lives will always matter more than others.
It is better to accept this...
than to pretend it isn't... true.
Is that why you killed her?
How dare you?!
universe - universo
understand - capire
trying - provare
toilet - gabinetto
human - umano
killing - uccisione
converted - convertito
stayed - rimasto
hated - odiato
evolution - evoluzione
enterprise - impresa
taught - insegnato
beings - esseri
entire - intero
always - sempre
cleaned - puliti
consumption - consumo
family - famiglia
others - altri
small - piccolo
destroy - distruggere
beautiful - bellissimo
better - meglio
consume - consumare
lives - vite
jupiter - Giove
create - creare
accept - accettare
capital - capitale
waiting - in attesa
should - dovrebbero
killed - ucciso
mother - madre
loved - amato
machine - macchina
every - dejte pozor
defined - definito
pretend - far finta
pyramid - piramide
matter - importa
resource - risorsa
maybe - può essere
merely - semplicemente
necessary - necessario
society - società
never - mai
purpose - scopo
people - persone
planet - pianeta
problem - problema
designed - progettato
profit - profitto
single - singolo
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