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Hello, good morning. And welcome to Suffolk Today.
The nightmare gets worse.
Two more bodies discovered by police
investigating the killings of prostitutes in Suffolk,
bringing the total to five.
Well, let's go back now to Simon Newton live in Ipswich.'
Well, this is an investigation that's changing literally by the hour.
We have five women found dead in the space of ten days
and two more bodies found here this morning.
So we have more than one method of killing.
So the question today, really, does this mean there's more than one killer?'
The manhunt for the multiple murderer enters a new phase.
The feelings of vulnerability are certainly not helped
by the knowledge that whoever carried out this murdering spree
is still free to attack again.
This huge investigation has had a profound impact.
Experts say it could haunt this place
with traditionally low levels of crime for a long time.
What's the atmosphere like there right now?
Well, I think there's generally A sense of disbelief across this town
And also a great sense of sadness
I've lived in this town For several years
And there is an eerie air Hanging over it
Though this town itself Will bounce back
It can only do... do that When this killer is caught
And today the answer to that May well lie in Ipswich itself
Police stop and question drivers In the red-light district
Officers still trying To trace the last movements
Of the five murdered prostitutes
There are now more Than 350 police officers from 31 forces
As far afield as Northern Ireland Working on this case...
years - anni
worse - peggio
women - donne
welcome - benvenuto
vulnerability - vulnerabilità
trying - provare
today - oggi
spree - baldoria
space - spazio
simon - simon
several - parecchi
sense - senso
really - veramente
there - là
question - domanda
though - anche se
police - polizia
sadness - tristezza
place - posto
prostitutes - prostitute
officers - ufficiali
still - ancora
murderer - assassino
suffolk - suffolk
murdered - assassinato
multiple - multiplo
movements - movimenti
morning - mattina
feelings - sentimenti
experts - esperti
enters - entra
afield - lontano
eerie - misterioso
attack - attacco
haunt - infestare
profound - profondo
levels - livelli
disbelief - incredulità
changing - mutevole
total - totale
newton - newton
killer - killer
northern - settentrionale
method - metodo
again - ancora
investigating - indagare
traditionally - tradizionalmente
ireland - Irlanda
district - quartiere
across - attraverso
right - destra
certainly - certamente
crime - crimine
whoever - chiunque
atmosphere - atmosfera
answer - risposta
killing - uccisione
bounce - rimbalzo
bringing - portando
literally - letteralmente
phase - fase
carried - trasportato
forces - forze
trace - traccia
found - trovato
bodies - corpi
generally - generalmente
drivers - autisti
light - leggero
great - grande
investigation - indagine
nightmare - incubo
helped - aiutato
hanging - sospeso
caught - catturato
hello - ciao
working - lavoro
discovered - scoperto
could - poteva
impact - urto
think - pensare
manhunt - caccia all'uomo
ipswich - ipswich
itself - si
killings - omicidi
knowledge - conoscenza
murdering - assassinio
lived - ha vissuto
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