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This is our time to assert ourselves as the true voice of America!
Yes, let's do that!
Now, you may have noticed
that our friend Aryan Grande
has brought in a new recruit.
FucktheJews82. Welcome, brother!
Hi. Heil. Heil, everybody.
White power. Obviously.
Been a big fan of you guys for a while.
Since World War Il, really.
That's when you made your big entrance on the scene.
And, uh... Yeah. Just, um, in closing...
- Fuck the Jews! - Yeah!
Let's fucking party!
So you guys are, like, pretty active on social media, right?
How many times a day would you say you tweet on average?
- Hey, FTJ! - Yo!
You said you wanted a swastika tattoo.
Now's your chance.
Yeah, you know, I've been thinking about it. I'm cool.
Come on, man. We all got 'em!
You guys want me to get a swastika tattoo?
I will get a swastika tattoo.
Hey, take over, man. I got to take a piss.
Super cool, guys. Thank you for this.
This is really exciting.
All right, here we go!
Ooh, right! Yeah!
That hurt?
On many levels. Yes.
Hey! This you?
You a journalist?
We all got to be fucking journalists in this day and age,
mainstream media not covering our side of the story!
His name is Fred Flarsky.
He writes for the Brooklyn Advocate.
- And he's a fucking Jew! - What?
Look, look, look. Okay, okay, okay. Hey!
What are you doing here? You're here to fucking embarrass us, huh?
- Who sent you? - No one sent me!
It's okay. I'm... I'm...
He's been recording us the whole time!
Fucking shit, man! You infiltrated our group!
- You're gonna fucking die! - How do you turn this thing off?
The fucking red button, right there, man!
Holy shit!
Not only did I escape…
I held onto my phone!
Yes! Ow!
I trusted you, man!
Yeah, well...
Jews win this round, motherfucker!
Peace! Ow.
would - voluto
whole - totale
white - bianca
while - mentre
welcome - benvenuto
wanted - ricercato
trusted - di fiducia
thing - cosa
there - là
super - super
social - sociale
tattoo - tatuaggio
friend - amico
closing - chiusura
escape - fuga
story - storia
covering - copertura
recruit - reclutare
media - media
times - volte
power - energia
doing - fare
advocate - avvocato
writes - scrive
fucking - cazzo
aryan - ariano
active - attivo
thinking - pensiero
button - pulsante
chance - opportunità
brought - portato
america - America
about - di
thank - ringraziare
assert - affermare
world - mondo
brooklyn - brooklyn
brother - fratello
gonna - andando
fuckthejews - fanculo gli ebrei
tweet - Tweet
since - da
entrance - ingresso
journalist - giornalista
journalists - giornalisti
swastika - svastica
embarrass - imbarazzare
levels - livelli
exciting - emozionante
mainstream - corrente principale
noticed - si accorse
group - gruppo
everybody - tutti
motherfucker - motherfucker
obviously - ovviamente
voice - voce
ourselves - noi stessi
scene - scena
peace - pace
average - media
party - partito
infiltrated - infiltrato
phone - telefono
grande - grande
pretty - bella
really - veramente
recording - registrazione
right - destra
round - il giro
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