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Look Who's Talking - That's Breast Milk (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    - How are you doing, pal? How do you like New York so far? - It's my kind of town.

    All right, this is a crummy tip and I'll get back to you later. Wait a minute...

    - How did you know where I lived? - You left it in the cab.


    You never look through that thing, do you? - Why do you say that?

    'Cause you're still carrying around your diaphragm.

    Don't smoke that around my baby.

    Don't you know that

    there's a 62% higher rate of getting cancer for non-smokers who live with smokers.

    What are you trying to say? You don't want me to move in yet or what?

    I don't know... What do you think,

    you think the drugs had any effect on him or what?

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