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- How are you doing, pal? How do you like New York so far? - It's my kind of town.
All right, this is a crummy tip and I'll get back to you later. Wait a minute...
- How did you know where I lived? - You left it in the cab.
You never look through that thing, do you? - Why do you say that?
'Cause you're still carrying around your diaphragm.
Don't smoke that around my baby.
Don't you know that
there's a 62% higher rate of getting cancer for non-smokers who live with smokers.
What are you trying to say? You don't want me to move in yet or what?
I don't know... What do you think,
you think the drugs had any effect on him or what?
- How did you know I had drugs? - I don't. I didn't.
It's just... you can tell in his eyes. He looks like stoned or something.
- He does not look stoned! He looks perfect.
Well, you know, you don't look so hot yourself.
Why don't you try squeezing something the size of a watermelon
out of an opening the size of a lemon and see how hot you look?
Ouch! I should call my mother more often. Get it?
- Do you want a sub? I got a sub. - No, thank you.
Will you just watch him for a couple of minutes while I change my clothes? - Sure.
And don't take him out of this chair and don't touch him a whole lot.
How are you doing, Mikey? I'm James. - Hey, James.
- Good to meet you. - Do you mind if I suck on that?
- So how long have you been here? - About five years.
Oh yeah, in the same apartment?
You were born in New York, weren't you?
Yeah, what are you, with the census bureau or something?
How do you like the outside world, huh? It's weird, isn't it?
You spend nine months trying to get out
and the rest of your life trying to get back in.
- Yeah, tell me about it. - Now, this... This here, is your first lesson in coffee.
- Without anything in it, it's black coffee. Can you say "black coffee?" - Nope.
Then there's coffee regular, okay? That means two sugars and milk...
which they have forgotten.
So can I borrow some of yours? Coffee regular, I love it.
You know, that's breast milk.
- Why didn't you tell me? - Hey man, you're on your own.
yourself - te stesso
yours - il tuo
whole - totale
while - mentre
where - dove
trying - provare
without - senza
which - quale
think - pensare
thing - cosa
thanks - grazie
sweet - dolce
sugars - zuccheri
stoned - sballato
still - ancora
spend - trascorrere
watch - orologio
something - qualcosa
smokers - i fumatori
doing - fare
lesson - lezione
diaphragm - diaframma
drugs - farmaci
months - mesi
thank - ringraziare
anything - qualsiasi cosa
touch - toccare
mother - madre
coffee - caffè
change - modificare
squeezing - spremitura
means - si intende
clothes - abiti
chair - sedia
apartment - appartamento
carrying - portando
effect - effetto
couple - coppia
bureau - ufficio
census - censimento
cancer - cancro
first - primo
black - nero
about - di
through - attraverso
minute - minuto
crummy - scadente
forgotten - dimenticato
getting - ottenere
higher - più alto
breast - seno
james - james
years - anni
around - in giro
lemon - limone
regular - regolare
lived - ha vissuto
borrow - prendere in prestito
looks - sembra
smoke - fumo
mikey - mikey
right - destra
minutes - minuti
later - dopo
perfect - perfezionare
never - mai
often - spesso
world - mondo
weird - strano
watermelon - anguria
outside - al di fuori
opening - apertura
should - dovrebbero
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