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He's in high school.
He likes to run, like his father.
He runs the two-mile and the long relay.
He's 23.
He's at a university.
He makes love to a pretty girl named Claire.
He asks her to be his wife.
He calls here and tells Lara, who cries.
He still runs...
...across the university and in the stadium, where John watches.
Oh, God. He's running so fast, just like his daddy.
He sees his daddy. He wants to run to him.
But he's only 6 years old, and he can't do it.
And the other man is so fast.
There was so much love in this house.
I want him back so bad.
So did she.
Can't you see?
She just wanted her little girl back.
But it was too late.
Her little girl was already gone.
She's still alive.
She didn't die.
But she's not alive.
Just tell me...
...who killed your mother?
Who killed Anne Lively?
I'm sorry, John, but you're gonna have to run again.
wanted - ricercato
university - università
there - là
tells - dice
wants - vuole
sorry - scusa
school - scuola
years - anni
where - dove
father - padre
calls - chiamate
claire - claire
still - ancora
again - ancora
across - attraverso
other - altro
gonna - andando
cries - grida
alive - vivo
already - già
pretty - bella
daddy - papà
house - casa
stadium - stadio
running - in esecuzione
likes - piace
makes - fa
little - piccolo
lively - vivace
killed - ucciso
mother - madre
watches - orologi
named - di nome
relay - relé
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