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All right, little vacuum-cleaner dummy, I'm gonna move you into position.
You don't be scared.
That's not how I trained you.
I love you, vacuum-cleaner dummy.
Chowder, come on.
Trick or treat.
Plug it in.
So close.
Littering, loitering,
vandalism, vagrancy...
- And treason. - No, not treason.
- You sure? Because in the book... - I'm sure.
All right, kids, out of the trash cans. Let's go.
Come on. You heard the big guy. You see the light. Walk towards it.
Come on, keep it moving.
All right, drop your weapons.
Pass them to me. Come on.
- I will shoot you. - Well, lookie we got here.
You stay here, I'm checking this out.
I am on it.
Y'all think something's funny? You testing me? Huh, tough girl?
You disrespecting the badge?
You don't want none of this. I'm telling you. Test me. Please.
Y'all wanna test me?
I am the police.
I know you're a thug. Them brown eyes...
I see it in your eyes.
That's it. That is it.
You got something to say, Porky, huh?
- That's it, we're taking them in. - That's what I'm talking about.
- Where we taking them? - To jail. Let's go.
You hear that? You guys are going to jail.
where - dove
vagrancy - vagabondaggio
vacuum - vuoto
trick - trucco
treason - tradimento
trained - allenato
weapons - armi
wanna - voglio
talking - parlando
taking - presa
tough - difficile
shoot - sparare
telling - raccontare
scared - impaurito
cleaner - addetto alle pulizie
dummy - manichino
porky - porky
chowder - zuppa di pesce
checking - verifica
disrespecting - Mancare di rispetto
moving - in movimento
about - di
vandalism - vandalismo
towards - in direzione
position - posizione
littering - littering
badge - distintivo
heard - sentito
please - per favore
because - perché
brown - marrone
think - pensare
testing - analisi
something - qualcosa
light - leggero
little - piccolo
treat - trattare
right - destra
funny - divertente
gonna - andando
lookie - lookie
going - andando
trash - spazzatura
loitering - loitering
close - vicino
police - polizia
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