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Think the codes are really there?
They most certainly are, darling. And I gave them to the authorities.
Anonymously, of course.
We may be flat broke, my darling, but we are not desperate.
I do hope Romanov doesn't come down too hard on Sir Graham,
when he finds out he bought the wrong fake.
That is disappointing.
Very disappointing.
Open your balls.
Now... tell me about that tramp on the horse.
Oh, my darling, I tried desperately to be unfaithful to you, I really did.
But I just couldn't do it.
It's a terrible moment when you find yourself
falling in love with your own spouse, isn't it?
Now, that is the look that softens
every bone in my body, except one.
Do you mean you are ready?
I see no obstacle to such a course.
My love, surely you recall I have already been circumcised.
Mrs. Mortdecai, as you well know,
I am a man of few words.
I deeply, deeply love... my moustache.
But... I have discovered...
that I love you... more.
Would you really do that for me?
For you, there is nothing I would not do.
Well, in that case, Mr. Mortdecai,
I should be very pleased if you would keep it.
Your gag reflex.
Try me.
Pookie. I have never been so...
wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
words - parole
falling - caduta
every - dejte pozor
should - dovrebbero
discovered - scoperto
certainly - certamente
yourself - te stesso
balls - palle
softens - ammorbidisce
disappointing - deludente
course - corso
ready - pronto
anonymously - anonimo
bought - comprato
desperate - disperato
pookie - pookie
authorities - autorità
reflex - riflesso
about - di
finds - reperti
broke - rotto
tramp - vagabondo
darling - tesoro
never - mai
pleased - contento
graham - graham
circumcised - circonciso
horse - cavallo
moment - momento
except - tranne
moustache - baffi
nothing - niente
mortdecai - mortdecai
obstacle - ostacolo
really - veramente
recall - richiamare
deeply - profondamente
romanov - Romanov
desperately - disperatamente
there - là
spouse - sposa
codes - codici
surely - certamente
unfaithful - infedele
terrible - terribile
think - pensare
already - già
tried - provato
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