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Why not go to the future?
The future?
I've never been there before, so it's probably not as messed up.
Sherman, that's it! Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Not usually.
It's exactly what you all just said... except the total opposite!
If we set the WABAC for the future, and go very, very fast...
we'll create our own gravitational field...
that's equal and opposite... to the rip in the space-time continuum!
Oh, my... I don't get it.
We're gonna fly up there and punch that big hole in the face!
Sherman, you're a genius.
But, Peabody... how far into the future must you go?
Just a few seconds ought to do it, and then we'll slingshot right back.
Are you sure this is going to work?
Don't worry, Penny.
Just remember, I'm a... Genius!
Sherman... I need to reprogram the WABAC.
All right, Mr. Peabody. - That means you have to drive.
In order to make the leap into the future the WABAC will have to go very fast.
Faster than it's ever gone before!
Are you ready, Sherman? - I'm ready.
Come on, Sherman, you can do it.
Now, Mr. Peabody?
Sherman, we need more speed.
Just a little more!
Not yet, Sherman.
Not yet.
Whoa! Whoa!
You haven't seen the last of me, Peabody.
You'll make a mistake eventually, and when you do...
I'll be there!
The Grunion is mine! Ooh!
Come on, Sherman. Come on!
Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
there - là
speed - velocità
slingshot - fionda
total - totale
right - destra
sherman - sherman
remember - ricorda
punch - punch
reprogram - riprogrammare
probably - probabilmente
penny - centesimo
order - ordine
continuum - continuo
create - creare
equal - pari
future - futuro
gonna - andando
going - andando
farewell - addio
wabac - wabac
thinking - pensiero
space - spazio
opposite - di fronte
drive - guidare
ought - dovere
gravitational - di gravitazione
peabody - peabody
except - tranne
grunion - grunion
worry - preoccupazione
seconds - secondi
before - prima
faster - più veloce
exactly - di preciso
messed - incasinato
ready - pronto
eventually - infine
mistake - sbaglio
field - campo
usually - generalmente
genius - genio
little - piccolo
means - si intende
never - mai
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