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You should let me go undercover. This could get dangerous.
No. He said he likes ladies in distress,
not men who wear too much cologne.
hidden cameras on, ready to go? Molest me. Do...
- Marty, molest me! - You got it!
Oh, God, help!
Help, I'm being mugged!
Help! Help! I'm being mugged!
- Stop it! - Good luck. See you at the office.
- Don't worry, I'll get 'im. - Oh, shit!
Stop right there.
Come on!
What's your problem, pal?
Come up 'ere.
Got your pocketbook. Get a job, pal.
- Are you okay? - What ha... what happened?
Let me help you up.
All right, now. All right.
Ma'am, you were just the victim of a New York City mugger.
As I suspected, that he was a coward and a weakling.
And also wore more cologne than any man should wear.
- I got this back for you, though. - Thank you.
- Can I take you to the hospital? - No, no.
I'll be all right. I just feel a little dizzy and violated.
I'm fine.
Please, let me take you to the emergency room.
I'm sure I'll be all right. I just need to...
perhaps walk it off or...
- Could you? - Sure, sure.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
My name is Pam. Pam Dawson.
My name is Deeds. I'm not from here. I'm just visitin'.
Where do you hail from, Deeds?
Mandrake Falls, New Hampshire.
Just a little town nobody's ever heard of.
I'm from a little town like that.
worry - preoccupazione
victim - vittima
violated - violata
undercover - sotto copertura
there - là
thank - ringraziare
suspected - sospetto
should - dovrebbero
problem - problema
pocketbook - portafoglio
office - ufficio
though - anche se
mugger - borseggiatore
mugged - aggredito
distress - angoscia
cologne - colonia
dizzy - vertiginoso
right - destra
hidden - nascosto
deeds - gesta
ladies - le signore
ready - pronto
perhaps - forse
being - essere
dangerous - pericoloso
please - per favore
happened - è accaduto
coward - codardo
cameras - macchine fotografiche
mandrake - mandragora
falls - cadute
weakling - mingherlino
hampshire - hampshire
molest - molestare
hospital - ospedale
emergency - emergenza
could - poteva
little - piccolo
heard - sentito
likes - piace
where - dove
marty - marty
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