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The Fourth Phase - Hydrology and Sports (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Travis took this idea about the hydrological cycle

    and turned it into this epic journey.

    This hydrological cycle, it's easy to just write it off as, well,

    that's the weather.

    We steal a lot of the magic from things that we give names to.

    It's this beautiful, choreographed cycle of life.

    If you were standing on the moon

    looking back at Earth, at one point during the day,

    you're looking at a blue planet.

    The ocean traps the sun's heat energy and turns it into a solar engine.

    A system of ocean currents called the North Pacific Gyre

    moves in a clockwise direction, driven by wind and the rotation of the Earth,

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