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- The coins have chosen you five.
- Yes! I knew it!
Now you must protect the Zeo Crystal
and life on earth.
Because... we... are the Power Rangers?
He's smart!
I'm sorry, um, is this some kind of joke?
Like, I'm standing here with a wet wedgie.
My socks are soaked.
We're squishing around in here.
We're talking to a wall.
Dig! Dig, Goldar!
Sir, I'm detecting
elevated heart rates.
They're... they're very scared.
I don't understand.
Why would you show us that nightmare?
It's not a nightmare.
It's the future.
- Was that for real?
- Felt like it.
- And who was that woman?
- Her name is Rita Repulsa.
She will create Goldar,
a huge monster who will rip the crystal
from the earth,
and all life on your planet will die.
With the crystal, Rita will have the power
to create and destroy worlds.
So, let me guess.
You want us to kill this woman? R... Rita?
Ay, ay, ay! Rita!
She must be stopped.
When is she coming?
She's already here.
My best guess is we have eleven months.
Oh, I'm sorry, days. Days, eleven days.
If we're the Power Rangers
and this is our ship,
if I walk through that door right now,
will it open for me?
Yes, of course.
Whoa, what you doing?
No, no, no, come back!
Jason, my ranger team died
defending the crystal from Rita.
That's why I'm in this wall.
How'd you know my name?
Because it's you, Jason Scott.
You are the leader.
You are the Red Ranger.
Rita was a ranger, too. And my friend.
But she betrayed us.
Wanted more power.
She lost her way.
Now she is just pure evil.
You must bring them back.
All of the rangers.
You must train your team to stop Rita
before she has the strength
to find the crystal.
Okay. I'm leaving.
- And I only speak for myself when...
- No! You speak for all of them.
You know that, deep down,
what I'm saying is true.
You were born for this.
would - voluto
worlds - mondi
wanted - ricercato
understand - capire
talking - parlando
stopped - fermato
standing - in piedi
squishing - squishing
speak - parlare
eleven - undici
betrayed - tradito
months - mesi
elevated - elevato
coins - monete
friend - amico
goldar - goldar
woman - donna
detecting - rilevamento
create - creare
repulsa - repulsa
guess - indovina
saying - detto
defending - difendere
earth - terra
power - energia
soaked - bagnato
future - futuro
before - prima
smart - inteligente
train - treno
crystal - cristallo
around - in giro
wedgie - wedgie
destroy - distruggere
sorry - scusa
rates - aliquote
through - attraverso
bring - portare
because - perché
coming - venuta
myself - me stessa
chosen - scelto
course - corso
heart - cuore
already - già
rangers - rangers
jason - jason
leaving - in partenza
monster - mostro
nightmare - incubo
doing - fare
leader - capo
planet - pianeta
right - destra
protect - proteggere
ranger - guardia forestale
scared - impaurito
strength - forza
scott - scott
socks - calzini
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