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Rat Race - There Are No Rules (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    563 miles from here is a little
    town called Silver City, New Mexico.

    - Gold rush.
    - Quite right, Nick.

    Yes, they struck gold there
    in 1860.

    It was the second largest
    gold rush in American history.

    Very good, Nick. I think
    Nick should be our captain.

    In downtown Silver City,
    there's a train station.

    Can't miss it. As you go in the front
    door, there's some lockers on the right.

    Mr. Grisham,
    do you have the keys?

    Six identical keys.

    They all open the same locker.

    That's locker 001.

    Inside the locker is a red duffel bag.
    Inside the red duffel bag...

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