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Boys, here he is.
They kidnapped him, they brought him here to us.
The CIA held him for four days but they can't hang onto him forever!
Dieter Dengler!
All right, all right. Hold... Hold on on on on on. Hold on a second.
Boys, listen up for a second.
Admiral Willoughby's got something to say.
Lieutenant Dengler. Good to have you back.
- Thank you. - All right. That's not all.
There's more! Hold on, fellows. Hold on, hold on!
So, let's start with the man himself.
Dieter, it is just incredible you made it home now.
Tell us, was it your faith in God and country?
Come on, Dieter, you got to believe in something.
I believe I need a steak.
A steak! This guy needs a steak!
Okay, we're grilling up a big old cow for you.
All right. Hey, listen up. Hang on.
Tell me... Can you pass something on to the boys?
You know, something you learned during your ordeal,
something to keep them going no matter how bad it gets?
Sure I can.
Empty what is full.
Fill what is empty.
Scratch where it itches. That's it.
Now look at these boys' faces.
Do they love you, man?! Do they love you?!
where - dove
thank - ringraziare
steak - bistecca
start - inizio
something - qualcosa
second - secondo
scratch - graffiare
right - destra
ordeal - calvario
needs - esigenze
faith - fede
empty - vuoto
country - nazione
faces - facce
itches - pruriti
forever - per sempre
dengler - Dengler
incredible - incredibile
admiral - ammiraglio
fellows - compagni
dieter - dieter
these - queste
brought - portato
grilling - grigliate
himself - lui stesso
learned - imparato
listen - ascolta
going - andando
matter - importa
believe - credere
kidnapped - rapito
during - durante
lieutenant - tenente
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