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Richie, Richie, Richie, Richie...
Please, allow me to express my heartfelt
sympathies over your loss.
We all loved your mother and father
very much.
My parents are alive.
I pray nightly that they are.
Richie, I just want to let
you know that we're doing everything we can
to coordinate the search effort.
Please, have a seat.
So, Richie, what have
you come to see me about?
Well, until my
parents come back...
...l've taken a...
Sabbatical, sir.
I've taken a sabbatical from school.
You know, so I can be here
and run things.
Run things.
Richie, the job of senior officer...
...of a mul-...
..tinational corporation...'s very demanding business.
Hours go, well just, way past
your bedtime.
So I think that it's best
to leave this job to... adult who has experience
in these matters. Okay?
I don't think so.
By the way, Cadbury,
how much stock do I own?
Until your parents are found, sir,
as the sole heir... own 51 percent of the voting stock.
Yes, but you're not of legal age
to exercise your voting rights.
But I am, sir.
And under the terms of the Rich estate,
I stand in loco parentis
...and Guardian ad Litem
to Master Richie.
And accordingly, I give him full
proxy power and authority.
And by the way, United Tool stays open.
Round one to you, sir.
until - fino a
under - sotto
tinational - tinational
think - pensare
voting - voto
these - queste
terms - condizioni
sympathies - simpatie
stock - azione
stays - Soggiorni
taken - prese
found - trovato
father - padre
experience - esperienza
senior - anziano
corporation - società
bedtime - di andare a dormire
legal - legale
parentis - parentis
richie - richie
adult - adulto
everything - qualunque cosa
estate - tenuta
demanding - esigente
authority - autorità
stand - stare in piedi
percent - per cento
alive - vivo
guardian - custode
about - di
litem - litem
things - cose
sabbatical - anno sabbatico
allow - permettere
express - esprimere
proxy - delega
coordinate - coordinata
round - il giro
exercise - [object Object]
cadbury - Cadbury
heartfelt - sincero
hours - ore
accordingly - di conseguenza
doing - fare
parents - genitori
matters - questioni
leave - partire
power - energia
school - scuola
loved - amato
business - attività commerciale
master - maestro
mother - madre
united - unito
please - per favore
nightly - ogni notte
effort - sforzo
officer - ufficiale
rights - diritti
search - ricerca
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