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Yes, I know, but it's my mother.
That's enough. On second thoughts,
I think it better that you do hear what I have to say.
Though I will not have you in my presence.
The purpose of my being in this room is to save the realm
from the consequences of this unsuitable amusement.
Her uncle is the bloody King of France.
Her uncle wants her back.
Philip wants an excuse to cross
the Channel with an army.
And you have given him that excuse.
Take up your lawful wife and save England.
My lawful wife is as barren as a brick.
Is that truly the wife you want for me?
You, who honored your husband with eight children
so that even now when death has taken the rest
you have a king and the runt of the litter to call you "Mother."
Better the bastard of a servant girl
than bed the niece of England's jealous enemy.
Or bed her and wed her, Mother.
I've asked the Pope's men to arrange an annulment.
And do you think the Pope
will favor England's royal runt over the King of France?
He might see his way for the son of Eleanor of Aquitaine.
And for the future King of England.
Richard the Lion Heart is 40 years old, if not more.
And no babies.
I am a queen in the making.
Yes. Yes. You see?
She is my Eleanor
years - anni
unsuitable - inadatto
uncle - zio
truly - veramente
though - anche se
taken - prese
england - Inghilterra
enough - abbastanza
future - futuro
enemy - nemico
niece - nipote
cross - attraversare
consequences - conseguenze
channel - canale
barren - sterile
brick - mattone
aquitaine - aquitaine
eight - otto
thoughts - pensieri
arrange - organizzare
death - morte
asked - chiesto
children - bambini
bastard - bastardo
amusement - divertimento
favor - favore
babies - bambini
eleanor - eleanor
being - essere
france - Francia
wants - vuole
think - pensare
royal - reale
excuse - scusa
given - dato
purpose - scopo
queen - regina
heart - cuore
honored - onorato
lawful - legale
bloody - sanguinoso
litter - rifiuti
mother - madre
might - potrebbe
philip - philip
presence - presenza
realm - regno
richard - richard
annulment - annullamento
making - fabbricazione
better - meglio
husband - marito
second - secondo
jealous - geloso
servant - servitore
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