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Do you mind if I have
a 9-dollar bottle of water?
So it says here that
Gordon's gonna sell all his assets
to some company, Kobe West?
Yeah, and let's not forget,
behind my back.
- Music?
- Yeah.
So... quick divorce,
then he makes
the deal, huh? Nice.
Yeah, I know.
Seems like Gordon cares about
the money more than anything.
- Unbelievable.
- Yeah. Unbelievable.
I have something else
to show you.
I did a bit more
stealing from Gordon.
In fact, I got his passport,
so he can't flee the country.
- Nice work, 99.
- Thank you.
Hey, you know what? He went to
St. Bart's twice in the last month.
Hey, look at this.
Acapulco on the 17th?
That was our wedding
I distinctly remember him saying he had to
do business in Omaha.
Instead he was...
Doing Kate in Mexico.
Look, Sara,
if Gordon can't tell
how beautiful and sexy
and intelligent you are, then he is an idiot.
And now I'm an idiot
for saying way too much.
Didn't sound like
too much to me.
Am I hearing waves?
Don't you mean
No, waves.
water - acqua
stealing - furto
omaha - omaha
music - musica
month - mese
something - qualcosa
mexico - messico
makes - fa
instead - anziché
intelligent - intelligente
cares - cure
bottle - bottiglia
twice - due volte
hearing - udito
fireworks - fuochi d'artificio
remember - ricorda
assets - risorse
wedding - nozze
business - attività commerciale
beautiful - bellissimo
about - di
passport - passaporto
acapulco - acapulco
seems - sembra
dollar - dollaro
divorce - divorzio
anniversary - anniversario
distinctly - distintamente
unbelievable - incredibile
thank - ringraziare
company - azienda
money - i soldi
doing - fare
gordon - gordon
anything - qualsiasi cosa
country - nazione
saying - detto
behind - dietro a
forget - dimenticare
waves - onde
quick - veloce
gonna - andando
sound - suono
idiot - idiota
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