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- Are you OK?
- No, Olivia, Not now.
You want to try to tell me again
there's nothing going on between...
There is nothing going on
between me and Olivia!
- What about last night?
- I didn't lie to you, Duke.
I did, but not about this.
Here's the truth.
I love you.
I beg your pardon?
What? All right... What're you?That's just a little weird.
OK, you know what?
I can't do this anymore.
Everybody, I have something to tell you.
I'm not Sebastian. I'm Viola.
Wait. You're not Viola.
- Yes, I am.
- No, I know Viola.
- I kissed Viola.
- You kissed me.
What... What are you talking about?
I didn't... I didn't kiss you.
The girls team at Cornwall got cut.
And the guys wouldn't let me
go out for their team.
So I've been pretending
to be my brother
while he was in London
for the past two weeks... I could make the team
and beat Cornwall.
But my brother came home early.
And that's who you saw kissing Olivia
and that's who played the first half.
Just because you wear a wig
doesn't prove you're a girl.
OK, then.
Merciful Jesus.
Is it just me or does this soccer game
have more nudity than most?
All right, so everybody understand?
- Yeah. I get it.
- OK.
Wait a minute. If I kissed your brother,
where is he?
Probably halfway to China. by now. He
showed his willis and doodleberries...
- Present.
- Oh. Hi.
OK, this is freaking me out.
Ladies and gentlemen, I hate
to say "I told you so," but I just...
See, Duke? I didn't betray you.
I'm sorry.
This isn't how I wanted it to happen,
and I didn't want to hurt you, but...
I just wanted to prove
that I was good enough.
where - dove
weird - strano
weeks - settimane
viola - viola
understand - capire
truth - verità
there - là
while - mentre
their - loro
wanted - ricercato
going - andando
gentlemen - gentiluomini
brother - fratello
girls - ragazze
willis - willis
london - Londra
happen - accadere
enough - abbastanza
early - presto
everybody - tutti
sebastian - sebastian
doodleberries - doodleberries
betray - tradire
halfway - a metà strada
prove - dimostrare
cornwall - Cornovaglia
pardon - perdono
again - ancora
freaking - impazzendo
because - perché
china - cina
could - poteva
minute - minuto
little - piccolo
kissed - baciata
jesus - Gesù
kissing - baci
sorry - scusa
ladies - le signore
merciful - misericordioso
present - presente
night - notte
nothing - niente
between - fra
nudity - nudità
first - primo
played - giocato
pretending - fingendo
probably - probabilmente
right - destra
olivia - olivia
showed - ha mostrato
soccer - calcio
anymore - più
something - qualcosa
about - di
talking - parlando
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