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I had my mind on
more important things.
Her name was Claire Bonner.
Was I obsessed?
Let's just say I know the exact number
of times she blinks per minute.
That particular dive
just told me that
she's looking for a
new love in her life.
You know, someone bold, fresh, sexy.
Hal, Claire Bonner wouldn't spit on you
if your hair was on fire.
To people like her,
people like you are invisible.
All right, so you guys think I'm invisible?
Then, I guess she won't see me
when I do this.
All right, so I'm invisible.
But the day will come
when Claire Bonner will finally see
just what she's been missing.
She saw what she was missing.
Me, Hal Brandston, Mr Smooth.
My original idea was to stay
underwater until I died,
but luckily the deep end
had other plans for me.
It was destiny.
Dude, just go over there
and give her the bracelet.
I mean, this is your big chance.
I'm just waiting for the right moment.
Hey, babe. Hop in,
everyone's waiting for us at the diner.
- Go away.
- Claire bear.
What is going on here?
You don't return my calls.
You won't talk to me.
I told you I needed some time to think.
What is there to think about?
You're Claire Bonner and I'm Chuck
wheeler - wheeler
waiting - in attesa
underwater - subacqueo
think - pensare
things - cose
smooth - liscio
people - persone
other - altro
number - numero
someone - qualcuno
needed - necessaria
times - volte
plans - piani
moment - momento
claire - claire
original - originale
chuck - mandrino
guess - indovina
brandston - brandston
obsessed - ossessionato
minute - minuto
calls - chiamate
about - di
blinks - lampeggia
bonner - bonner
destiny - destino
chance - opportunità
diner - commensale
right - destra
bracelet - braccialetto
return - ritorno
exact - esatto
until - fino a
finally - finalmente
fresh - fresco
important - importante
going - andando
invisible - invisibile
there - là
luckily - fortunatamente
particular - particolare
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
missing - mancante
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