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Snow Day - Claire Bonner (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    I had my mind on
    more important things.

    Her name was Claire Bonner.
    Was I obsessed?

    Let's just say I know the exact number
    of times she blinks per minute.

    That particular dive
    just told me that

    she's looking for a
    new love in her life.

    You know, someone bold, fresh, sexy.

    Hal, Claire Bonner wouldn't spit on you
    if your hair was on fire.

    To people like her,
    people like you are invisible.

    All right, so you guys think I'm invisible?

    Then, I guess she won't see me
    when I do this.

    All right, so I'm invisible.

    But the day will come

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