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What's that about?
Title shot, Vegas, six weeks.
Six weeks?
- You know what that's about, right?
- Yeah.
He's gonna sell it
like it's a revenge match
I got to make some money, man.
I can't lose my girl.
This man right here...
You fell down to the ground,
he just stepped right over you.
He fixes fights?
He's a liar.
Yeah, look, I'm not
talking about him.
I talk about you.
I can't do this without you.
I can't do this with you.
- Why?
- I don't train pro fighters.
What you're saying to me is that if
if someone came in and offered the boys
a pro shot, you won't give it to them?
All I need is the six weeks.
I need six weeks.
I'll give you my everything.
You get my everything.
This is about my family.
I can't lose my daughter.
without - senza
weeks - settimane
gonna - andando
fighters - combattenti
about - di
match - incontro
ground - terra
daughter - figlia
fixes - correzioni
fights - combatte
saying - detto
family - famiglia
money - i soldi
someone - qualcuno
train - treno
everything - qualunque cosa
right - destra
stepped - fatto un passo
offered - offerta
really - veramente
revenge - vendetta
talking - parlando
title - titolo
vegas - vegas
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