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Have you seen him?
The Beast?
No. Can I kiss you?
I wanted to kiss the other
girl with the dark hair,
but she's in trouble.
So, do you want to?
I mean, I don't know
much about kissing, though.
Okay, here we go.
One... Two... Three.
You might be pregnant now.
- Am I a good kisser?
- Yeah.
I like dancing.
Do you like dancing?
I like dancing to my CD player in my room.
Kanye West is my main man.
We got my, my CD player
set up in my, my room,
right next to my window.
I'm like...
- We gots the moves.
- Wow.
Maybe I could watch you dance
and listen to music with you.
No, my music's in my room.
Oh. Right.
you could sneak me there.
Are you trying to trick me?
I'll tell on you.
- I'm telling on you.
- I'll tell you something.
And you can tell me
if I'm lying or not, okay?
Like a test. Okay?
I get into trouble at school, on purpose.
So I can get sent to detention.
To get away from everyone.
So that I can be alone.
Okay, I'll show you
something cool in my room.
But after Mr. Dennis has finished
his getting-ready ritual.
I have to go.
He's got an appointment.
When I fall asleep,
one of the others keeps trying to
reach the doctor lady to tell on us.
window - finestra
lying - dire bugie
ritual - rituale
kisser - kisser
trouble - guaio
listen - ascolta
keeps - mantiene
kanye - kanye
getting - ottenere
doctor - medico
kissing - baci
maybe - può essere
everyone - tutti
dancing - danza
asleep - addormentato
could - poteva
appointment - appuntamento
etcetera - eccetera
dance - danza
detention - detenzione
moves - si muove
alone - da solo
watch - orologio
something - qualcosa
after - dopo
dennis - dennis
reach - raggiungere
school - scuola
there - là
might - potrebbe
music - musica
purpose - scopo
others - altri
ready - pronto
player - giocatore
three - tre
pregnant - incinta
right - destra
finished - finito
other - altro
about - di
sneak - spione
telling - raccontare
beast - bestia
though - anche se
trick - trucco
trying - provare
wanted - ricercato
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