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Agua, as in water.
Cute. But I wasn't here for cute.
I was here 'cause I'd gotten
a call for my regular fee.
4 dollars 99 cents
I'm an ex-secret agent.
My name is Juni Cortez.
And I'm a private detective.
A P. I.
A private eye.
A gumshoe.
I know why the water
from your park is missing,
- Pray tell,
- It's winter,
They shut down the park
during the winter,
Who's ''they''?
The people who really own this park,
Times are tough.
But a guy's gotta do what he's gotta do.
From saving cats in trees...
to finding lost toys,
to helping people...
Hold on. Yeah?
The OSS is looking for me?
Look, I'm no longer an agent,
I can't help you,
Whatever it is, it's your problem,
Leave me alone!
I'd been burned by the agency.
The OSS.
So I left.
No going back.
I handle my own assignments now.
Smaller in scale.
I was saving up for something big.
I was standing in line
to buy my copy of the biggest
virtual-reality game in history.
it goes online at midnight.
Pretty exciting, I suppose.
longer - più a lungo
leave - partire
helping - porzione
gumshoe - Gumshoe
tough - difficile
going - andando
finding - scoperta
exciting - emozionante
cents - centesimi
history - storia
water - acqua
during - durante
gotten - ottenuto
cortez - cortez
assignments - assegnazioni
dollars - dollari
problem - problema
agency - agenzia
winter - inverno
scale - scala
alone - da solo
private - privato
something - qualcosa
biggest - maggiore
standing - in piedi
agent - agente
detective - investigatore
gotta - devo
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
midnight - mezzanotte
online - in linea
people - persone
pretty - bella
reality - la realtà
handle - maniglia
smaller - più piccola
whatever - qualunque cosa
really - veramente
regular - regolare
trees - alberi
saving - salvataggio
missing - mancante
secret - segreto
suppose - supporre
burned - bruciato
times - volte
virtual - virtuale
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