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Here he comes.
Hi, sky. What did you wanna talk to me about ?
I think it would work for me if we broke up.
I-I-I don't understand. This is such a shock. What's wrong ?
Now you're giving me attitude.
Just tell me what I did wrong.
Listen, we talked about this last night...
Till I was blue in the face.
We're just growing in different directions.
I mean, you're this way and I'm-- I'm that way.
You're here. I'm there.
And there's no one right in here.
So it's over. Just like that. It's over.
- You're telling me that it's over. - I guess so.
- Hey, bartholomew, nice name.
Just breathe.
Poor evian. Lucky you.
Sky's a single slice of beefcake now.
And he's on the rebound.
So obvious that you two are gonna hook up.
You really think so ?
Remember, he said you have nice moves.
That means he was looking at your body, which means he thinks you're doable.
So basically, he asked you to sleep with him.
Oh, my goodness. This relationship is moving too fast.
Go talk to him before somebody else dates him. Really ?
Go. Go. Go. I don't know.
Go !
Hey, mary. Hey, what's up ? What's up ?
Um, sky, I know...
That you haven't been s-single for a long time...
Or anything like that, but I was wondering...
If-- if--
wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
wondering - chiedendosi
listen - ascolta
goodness - bontà
obvious - evidente
which - quale
think - pensare
somebody - qualcuno
doable - realizzabile
dates - date
evian - evian
basically - fondamentalmente
different - diverso
asked - chiesto
before - prima
wanna - voglio
bartholomew - bartholomew
growing - in crescita
giving - dando
lucky - fortunato
broke - rotto
right - destra
anything - qualsiasi cosa
comes - viene
night - notte
breathe - respirare
thinks - pensa
beefcake - beefcake
about - di
moving - in movimento
guess - indovina
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
telling - raccontare
means - si intende
really - veramente
attitude - atteggiamento
remember - ricorda
relationship - relazione
directions - indicazioni
shock - shock
single - singolo
gonna - andando
moves - si muove
rebound - rimbalzo
sleep - dormire
slice - fetta
talked - parlato
there - là
understand - capire
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