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- Hi. I'd like to volunteer. - Great. I'll take you right over here.
I'd rather volunteer to her, if she don't mind.
Why do you feel that you have to volunteer to me?
Because I think that you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
Thanks. But what do you think of Palantine?
Charles Palantine, the man you're volunteering to help elect president.
I'm sure he'll make a good president.
I don't know what his policies are, but I'm sure he'll make a good one.
- You wanna canvass? - Yeah, I'll canvass.
How do you feel about the senator's stand on welfare?
I don't really know his stand on welfare, but I'm sure it's a good stand.
- You're sure of that? - Yeah.
Well, we all work together here, full time day and night...
The thing is, I... I drive a taxi at night, so it's kind of hard for me...
to work in the day.
Then what exactly do you want?
Would you like to come have some coffee and pie with me?
- Why? - Yeah
I'll tell you why.
I think you're a lonely person.
I drive by this place a lot, and I see you here.
I see a lot of people around you...
and I see all these phones and all this stuff on your desk...
that means nothing.
And when I came inside and met you...
I saw in your eyes and I saw the way you carried yourself...
that you're not a happy person.
And I think you need something.
And if you wanna call it a friend, you can call it a friend.
- You're gonna be my friend? - Yeah.
What do you say?
It's a little hard standing here and asking you, so...
yourself - te stesso
little - piccolo
coffee - caffè
happy - contento
great - grande
asking - chiede
standing - in piedi
friend - amico
carried - trasportato
woman - donna
gonna - andando
stuff - cose
president - presidente
would - voluto
exactly - di preciso
elect - eletto
drive - guidare
person - persona
night - notte
lonely - solitario
around - in giro
about - di
beautiful - bellissimo
together - insieme
because - perché
canvass - sollecitazione
wanna - voglio
charles - charles
place - posto
rather - piuttosto
means - si intende
really - veramente
welfare - benessere
palantine - Palantine
right - destra
policies - politiche
stand - stare in piedi
inside - dentro
something - qualcosa
think - pensare
thanks - grazie
these - queste
nothing - niente
thing - cosa
volunteer - volontario
people - persone
phones - telefoni
volunteering - il volontariato
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