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The mutagen, that was injected into our blood,
began to change us in miraculous ways.
I saw how your father loved you.
And I knew I had to show that same love to the turtles.
I became their father and they became my sons.
Like all children, they were drawn to the distractions of this popular culture.
And I knew one day they would want to explore the world above.
They would be ridiculed.
They would need to learn to protect themselves, both mentally and physically.
Hey. Does anyone want to play Buck-Buck?
- Buck one! - Buck two!
- Buck three! - Where you going, Raph?
Come on. I can't do it by myself.
- I need all four! - You're a Buck short.
Yeah, that sounds stupid. Like you, Mikey!
That's why you're just the hype man, bra.
- See these moves? - Yeah, whatever, man.
And then I found a way.
First, I would teach myself the ancient art of Ninjutsu.
The brothers followed my lead, accelerating at a wondrous rate!
Wassup, bra? Want some of this? I'm like a ghost!
I'm over here, now I'm over here, bra. Like a shadow!
I'm a flame shadow fire dragon!
Their gift was also their passion.
They lived, breathed and dreamed all things martial arts.
world - mondo
wassup - wassup
things - cose
these - queste
themselves - loro stessi
found - trovato
drawn - disegnato
myself - me stessa
distractions - distrazioni
blood - sangue
explore - esplorare
dragon - drago
children - bambini
ancient - antico
accelerating - accelerando
first - primo
popular - popolare
began - iniziato
whatever - qualunque cosa
three - tre
their - loro
anyone - chiunque
culture - cultura
followed - seguita
brothers - fratelli
above - sopra
father - padre
breathed - respirato
turtles - tartarughe
dreamed - sognato
flame - fiamma
became - [object Object]
ghost - fantasma
going - andando
sounds - suoni
learn - imparare
where - dove
miraculous - miracoloso
lived - ha vissuto
passion - passione
loved - amato
change - modificare
martial - marziale
wondrous - meraviglioso
injected - iniettato
moves - si muove
physically - fisicamente
would - voluto
mentally - mentalmente
mikey - mikey
ridiculed - ridicolizzati
shadow - ombra
mutagen - mutageno
ninjutsu -
protect - proteggere
short - corto
stupid - stupido
teach - insegnare
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