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Could you be any more obnoxious?
- Lady, you have no idea. - Lady?
- Stop calling me "lady". - Then tell me your name.
- It is Gabby.
Hello, Gabby. Welcome to the neighborhood.
What are you so angry about?
I am angry about Molly's nipples.
Your stinky-ass dog took advantage of my sweet little girl.
Now her nipples are swollen and she's gained 15 pounds.
She will not get out of bed,
and you play your music too loud!
So, how do you even know she's pregnant?
Because I'm a medical student and I'm also a woman.
- The second I knew, the first one is... - Oh, you did?
- new... - Oh, - information
You're so smart.
- Yeah. - Yeah.
Well, I like your confidence.
And there happens to be a fantastic clinic right here in town.
It's kind of a father-son thing.
- Okay. - And I want you to know,
Moby is not going to be a deadbeat dad.
He's...Gabby, this is not going to be one of them "Dirty Dancing" type situations.
- Okay. - He's going to stand up straight like a man.
woman - donna
there - là
sweet - dolce
stinky - puzzolente
smart - inteligente
situations - situazioni
stand - stare in piedi
right - destra
swollen - gonfio
pounds - sterline
straight - dritto
obnoxious - odioso
welcome - benvenuto
music - musica
dancing - danza
confidence - fiducia
clinic - clinica
fantastic - fantastico
about - di
student - alunno
first - primo
angry - arrabbiato
deadbeat - scroccone
because - perché
second - secondo
information - informazione
calling - chiamata
dirty - sporco
pregnant - incinta
father - padre
gabby - loquace
gained - guadagnato
going - andando
thing - cosa
happens - accade
nipples - capezzoli
medical - medico
hello - ciao
neighborhood - quartiere
could - poteva
advantage - vantaggio
little - piccolo
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